takePictureReady function Null safety

Future<void> takePictureReady(
  1. BuildContext context

takes picture and then sets showThumbWindow to true after camera is ready. While the camera is processing the picture, shows the status as a string. The Z1 takes after 4 seconds to be ready for a picture. The SC2 make take more than 8 seconds. The delay is due to internal stitching times.


Future<void> takePictureReady(BuildContext context) async {
  Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch();
  var response = await command('takePicture');
  String responseText = response;
  responseText = responseText +
      '\ncompleted command in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds '
          '\n Camera still needs to process image and is unavailable for commands ';

  // set screen to text
  Provider.of<WindowNotifier>(context, listen: false).setShowThumbWindow(false);

  Provider.of<ResponseNotifier>(context, listen: false)
  Map<String, dynamic> responseMap = jsonDecode(response);
  String id = responseMap['id'];

  while (await commandStatus(id) != 'done') {
    await commandStatus(id);
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 200));
    responseText = responseText +
        '\nCamera processing image. Elapsed time: ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} milliseconds';
    Provider.of<ResponseNotifier>(context, listen: false)
  responseText = responseText + '\nCamera is ready for next command';
  String url = await getLastImageUrl();
  // print(url);
  responseText += '\nFile is available at\n$url';
  Provider.of<ResponseNotifier>(context, listen: false)
  Provider.of<WindowNotifier>(context, listen: false).setShowThumbWindow(true);